
Jet Menu


Original price was: $43.00.Current price is: $5.00.



Jet Menu

WordPress Plugin for Creating Custom Mega Menu

Updated SEO and accessibility

Made the menus accessible and optimized for search engines

Elementor Mobile Render preview

Enjoy the improved Elementor editor mobile render preview

Improved Page Scroll

Fixed the disabled page scroll when the Hamburger widget is active


Call attention to your coolest shop offers. Enrich the WordPress mega menu with product categories, most-wanted items at a discount, catchy clearance banners, etc.

Jet Menu – Add interactive elements

Organise your site content by adding images, icons, maps or any other Elementor widget to your navigation.

Use with your existing theme

Substitute the current WP mega menu or output custom menus with a widget widget or block.

Easy Drag & Drop editing

Build mega menu layouts visually using the familiar Elementor sidebar and WordPress panel.

Horizontal Menu

Position main menu items side-by-side and show subitems in a horizontal dropdown.

Vertical Menu

Display top-level menu items as a vertical sidebar and put subitems in a slide-out.

Hamburger Menu

Place the entire menu structure into a compact hamburger panel and choose a custom icon for open/close states.

Desktop-independent mobile menu

Extend the mobile mega menu

Use the WordPress menu plugin to display the needed content in the header/footer. Show Breadcrumbs for better navigation.

Select the animation layout

Decide how the WordPress hamburger menu will appear – slide out, drop down, or push the website content down.

Make the mobile menu unique

Showcase different menu items for desktop and mobile and add mobile-friendly content to each.