

Version: 3.6.3

Original price was: $43.00.Current price is: $5.00.



JetEngine- WordPress Dynamic Content Plugin for Elementor, Gutenberg, and Bricks

Timber/Twig View Type for Listing Items

Control the code structure and DOM size to get the fastest page loading speed

Location & Distance Filter for JetSmartFilters

Allow users to conduct searches based on their current location

JetEngine Calendar Module update

Create recurring events in the calendar and set their frequency.

Create a Dynamic Website Structure

A toolkit that lets you build a dynamic architecture fast and cost-effectively.

Custom Post Type – Structure the site content

Custom Content Type – Save metadata to one table

Taxonomy – Group the post types

Custom fields – Add metadata to post types

Meta box – Create a custom field storage

Options page – Collect all options in one place

Develop Listing Items

Explore Listing Grid Layouts







Explore Dynamic Features

Dynamic Function

Dynamic tag


Conditional logic



Functionality Involving User Behavioral Data

Data store – A personal data repository for every end-user storing post collections such as wishlists, favorites, likes.

Dynamic visibility – Set visibility restrictions for the web page elements based on meta field values, user data, and other rules.

Users, Terms, and Posts Relationships

Connect different WordPress data and query related items

Interrelate different CPT and CCT posts, taxonomy items, and users in one place. Choose from three relations types: one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-many.

Create hierarchical posts relations

Add and display the relations’ custom meta fields

Sort items by dynamic macros in the Query Builder

Assign a relation to the items via form

Filter posts by their related items

Add and edit related items directly in the post editing area

Query Builder.

Consistent Approach to the Database query builder settings and queried items on the frontend

One interface for all query types

Create complex custom query lists that can be combined on the backend and used to query any data, sections, and filters on the front-end.

Select data from custom tables and combine it into one selection. Show & hide items, columns, and sections provided that the request is/is not empty.

Custom Post Type (CPT) and Custom Content Type (CCT) items

SQL tables

WooCommerce products

Terms, Users and Comments


Explore feature

Use AI to generate queries – Beta

Generate SQL query types using the JetEngine and AI integration. Enter a prompt, and the AI system will generate a query. Review it for accuracy and use it to retrieve the necessary data from the database.

Generate SQL query in Advanced/AI mode

Try short tips to write a better prompt

Use prompt examples for different kinds of data

jetengine advanced AI mode and sql query generator UI

Tables Builder & Charts Builder

Structure your data in a catalogued way

Create both simple and complex dynamic data tables showcasing anything from the Members directory & Residences database to the eBook archives.

Display CPT & CCT items, Terms, Users & Comments

Showcase WooCommerce products

Enable horizontal scroll for massive tables

Preview tables from the Dashboard

Output SQL table data & REST API content

Add smart filters to finished tables

Explore feature

Visualization tool for dynamic content

Present statistics or analytical data as charts by outputting numeric values. Pick the needed chart type from 12 available or add one yourself with JSON code.

Embed Google Charts through custom JSON code

Display data from CCT items, Terms, Users, Comments, SQL tables

Output the sorted data & REST API content

Preview charts from the Dashboard

Add the chart legend & stacked chart elements

Add smart filters to finished charts

Explore feature

Profile Builder. Power Beyond Imaginary user profile form, profile menu and user-added posts

Dynamic user profile

Build a user-editable profile with a flexible number of account pages. Customize the templates and JetEngine listings, set different privacy settings for user account pages, etc.

Profile Menu widget

Embed the Profile Menu widget to a user account page template and decide between the ultra-fast AJAX or reload method.

Frontend posts submission

Enable registered users to add new posts to the website through simple, understandable, and convenient forms.

Dynamic Visibility module

You can set visibility conditions for the site content and define which pages will be visible to which User Roles.