
Ninja Forms Constant Contact

Version: 3.1.1

Original price was: $18.00.Current price is: $5.00.



Ninja Forms Constant Contact

Connect WordPress to Constant Contact with forms that you can build and design just the way you want, no tech skills required! Subscribe users to any list or interest group.

Constant Contact brings you powerful email marketing made easy. They check every box a small business could want for growing their subscriber base and engaging consumers. Unfortunately, most WordPress forms integrations with their service do not. Are you making the most of what they offer with your WordPress website?

Want to be able to easily customize your WordPress signup forms?

Need extendable actions like email notifications, customizable success messages, redirects, and more?

Require specific form information to be passed into certain Lists and Interest Groups?

Your Constant Contact integration for WordPress should do each of these things and more. You’ve just found the one that will!

Integrate Constant Contact and WordPress completely in a matter of minutes

Integration is simple and effortless:

Install and activate the add-on

Login to your account and copy your access token

Paste the access token into your WordPress dashboard

That’s it. Complete, powerful integration in no more time that it takes to log into WordPress and your Constant Contact account!

Configure any of your WordPress forms to signup visitors to specific Lists and Interest Groups