BackupBuddy – the best ever backup plugin for the wordpress.
BackupBuddy is the all-in-one solution for WordPress backup, restore and migrations. Whether you’re an end user or developer, BackupBuddy will bring you peace of mind in the event of data loss.
The best way to back up and move a WordPress site.
Everyone with a website has the same question
Is my site and my content safe and secure?
Sites get hacked every day. Our passwords are rarely as strong as we think. And sometimes it doesn’t matter. Sometimes we or our clients delete the wrong file or make a change that breaks something. Ever trigger a fatal error from a bad plugin? Crashes happen. But with BackupBuddy, recovering from a problem is quick and easy.
Site owners and developers love all the options. Since its launch in 2005, it has been installed on over 100,000 wordpress sites. BackupBuddy gives you for safe, offsite storage.
Our goal is keeping the backup, restoration and migration process easy, fast and reliable.
The restore function in BackupBuddy is quick and simple. Upload the ImportBuddy file and your backup zip, and it walks you through the steps to restore your site: your themes, plugins, widgets and everything else.
In your WordPress dashboard, you can also restore individual files from a backup instead of having to replace everything together. This is great for replacing an old stylesheet or a couple templates that you want to
Site owners and developers love all the options
Database or Full Backups
Run database backups for quick, small, frequent backups or run complete backups to get all your images, themes, plugins and everything else to a safe place.
Offsite Storage
Send your backups (individually or on a schedule) to offsite storage destinations like BackupBuddy Stash (our custom backup storage location), Amazon S3, Dropbox, Rackspace Cloud, FTP or email. If your site goes down, you don’t want your backup stored on that same server.
Schedule Backups
Schedule backups so you don’t need to remember to make backups every day, week or month. You can also set the schedule to send your backups to any of your offsite storage destinations automatically.
BackupBuddy Stash Storage
We built BackupBuddy Stash specifically for storing and managing your BackupBuddy backups so you can manage backups for all of your sites in one central location. BackupBuddy users get 1GB of Stash storage for free!
Exclude Files & Tables
This is helpful if you have a folder with lots of high-res images or videos that you don’t want to back up every time. Choose which files or tables to exclude from your backups.
Backup Profiles
Create custom backup profiles for backups to use their own settings and file exclusions. Restore your site quickly & easily.
Work locally. Deploy anywhere.
BackupBuddy lets you move a WordPress site to another domain or host easily. If you build custom WordPress sites for clients, this plugin is for you! This is a very popular feature for WordPress developers who build a custom site for a client on a temporary domain or locally like a sandbox or playground site and then want to move the entire site with themes, plugins, content, styles, widgets all over to a live client domain.
Migrate right from WordPress
You can move a site to another server or domain directly from your dashboard. Just create your new database and enter those database credentials during the import process.
URL Replacement
BackupBuddy replaces all the URLs for you when you migrate a site to a new domain. BackupBuddy even has a tool for replacing other text in your database.
Serialized Data
Many backup plugins just skip over serialized data, because it’s complicated to migrate properly. But BackupBuddy handles serialized data (and even serialized data stored inside other serialized data) like a champ.
And a few other little things to make your life easier.
Email Notifications
Know immediately when BackupBuddy finishes a backup, times out or needs attention.
Backup Storage Limits
Limit the number and size of your stored backups. So you don’t fill up your Dropbox account with 34 old backups.
Individual File Restore
You don’t have to wipe the whole slate clean to just replace your stylesheet from a a backup you made a few weeks ago.
Server Tools
Take a deep look at your server settings and capabilities. Our built-in server tools are super helpful to track down possible hosting problems that could prevent your backups from running.
Malware Scan
BackupBuddy does a free malware scan of your site to make sure your site and your online reputation are squeaky clean with all the major blacklist checks.
Interactive Site Directory Map
Visualize what takes up the most space on your site. It’s really cool to dig through and view your files this way.
Database Mass Text Replacement
Update text throughout your database. Great for updating URLs, strings of text, replacing any mention of your ex’s name, etc.
Database Scan & Repair
Automatically scans and repairs common issues with your database.
WordPress Cron Manager
View, delete, or manually run WordPress scheduled CRON jobs.
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