
WooCommerce Role Based Shipping Based Methods

Original price was: $49.00.Current price is: $5.00.


WooCommerce Role Based Shipping Based Methods

WooCommerce Role Based Shipping Based Methods – Limit different user roles to specific payment / shipping methods

WooCommerce Role Based Methods extension gives site administrators the ability to individually limit available Shipping Methods and Payment Gateways for each user role configured in WordPress.

Additionally, site admins can now customize methods and gateways available to customers checking out as WooCommerce ‘guests.’ When using custom roles, The WooCommerce Role Based Methods extension makes it easy to taylor shipping methods and payment gateways for customers large and small.

A Use Case – House Accounts
WooCommerce Payment/Shipping Roles extension can be useful in House Account configuration. For instance, you might want to set up your store such that customers with a Distributor role have access to custom shipping policies and payment terms. In one specific case, we renamed the Check payment method to Custom Shipping Policy in the WooCommerce shipping settings, and added some instructions in the shipping method description showing the customer how to provide the vendor with UPS account information. In favor of less fee-laiden, albeit slower forms of payment, a store Administrator might want to prevent Distributors from using to Paypal or the Credit Card Processor at checkout.


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