
WooCommerce USA ePay Gateway

Version: 3.2.0

Original price was: $79.00.Current price is: $7.00.


WooCommerce USA ePay Gateway

USA ePay is a plugin that allows you to accept payment by credit card using your USA ePay account.

Accept credit card payments directly on your store!

USA ePay is a plugin that allows you to accept payment by credit card using your USA ePay gateway.

The customer enters their credit card details (Card Holder Name, Credit Card Number, Expiration Date, CVV) and USA ePay handles authorization and settlement. The customer stays on your site for a seamless checkout experience.

WooCommerce USA ePay helps you to securely process credit card payments via USA ePay on your WooCommerce-powered site.

Note: This plugin requires that you have an SSL certificate installed and active on your site, and you must be using WooCommerce 2.1 or newer.

Download the extension
Go to Plugins > Add New > Upload and select the ZIP file you just downloaded
Click Install Now, and then Activate
Click the Configure link and read the next section to learn how to setup and configure the plugin.

Setup and Configuration
Obtain Credentials from USA ePay
You need to have an active gateway account with USA ePay in order to use this plugin to integrate with USA ePay payment processing.

Login to your USA ePay Merchant Console.
From your home page, click on “Settings” in the menu. In the sub menu, press “Source Keys”
Press the “Add Source” button
On the Source Editor page:
Add a Name for your website
A PIN is optional
Leave “Disabled” unchecked
Leave “Test Mode” unchecked
Under “Allowed Commands”, make sure that “Sale” and “Auth Only are checked
Add your store’s email to the “Email Merchant Receipt To” textarea
Press “Apply” to save the settings and stay on the editor page. Your key will be displayed.
Copy and paste this value into the WooCommerce USA ePay settings page
Extension Settings

To configure the gateway, go to WooCommerce > Settings > Checkout and click on “USA ePay” at the top.

woocommerce USA epay settings

Extension Settings
Enable / Disable – This will enable the gateway to be used by customers to checkout
Title – This is the text shown for the payment during checkout and on the Order Received page.
Description – This is the text shown under the title during checkout. Limited HTML is allowed. If you enable test mode, this section will also display a notice along with test credit card numbers.
Transaction Description – This is included in your USA ePay account to help you identify where the transaction came from (useful if you process transactions elsewhere with the same account).
Source Key – The source key is generated in your USA ePay Merchant Console (see steps above).
PIN – PIN for your source key. This is optional and only needed if a PIN has been set in the Merchant Console.
Payment Type – Choose from “Sale” or “Authorize Only”. Choose whether to authorize the customers card for the purchase amount (Authorize Only), or to both authorize and collect the funds (Sale). Not sure which is right for you? Check out this tutorial on Authorizing vs. Authorizing and Capturing.
Test Mode – If selected, the transaction will be simulated by USA ePay, but not actually processed.
Sandbox – If selected, the sandbox server will be used. This overrides the gateway URL parameter below.
Gateway URL Override – This is optional, and leaving it blank will use the default URL. Enter a URL if you are overriding the URL of the USA ePay gateway processor.
CVV – If selected, this will require card verification codes (CVVs / CSCs) for transactions.
Debugging – Enable this to place the gateway in debug mode, which will log the error responses from the gateway and email them to you. As a best practice and for maximum performance, please do not enable this unless you are having issues with the plugin.
Debugging Email – Enter the email to which debug logs should be sent