
WooCommerce Wishlists

Version: 2.3.4

Original price was: $79.00.Current price is: $7.00.


WooCommerce Wishlists

WooCommerce Wishlists allows guests and customers to create and add products to an unlimited number of Wishlists.

Increase Sales and Conversions by having a WooCommerce Wishlist

Studies have shown that allowing your customers to save and manage their own Wishlist can increase your sales and conversions. What better way to encourage customers to return to your site than allowing them to save items for later, or create their own dream list of products for that special occasion? In addition, allowing your customers to share their lists with friends and family through various social media networks truly opens the doors to potential new customers and visitors.

Key Features

WooCommerce Wishlists is an incredibly powerful extension with many unique and useful features available.

Allow Guest customers to create their own Wishlists which will be stored for a maximum of 30 days or until they clear their cookies.
Allow Registered customers to create Wishlists and store them indefinitely.
Unlimited numbers of Wishlists can be created by customers.
Full privacy control over lists.
Social media sharing. Guests and Users alike are able to share their public or shared lists through Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and even Email with a custom email message.
Full support for grouped products, product variations, and of course, simple products.
Also supports products using the Product Add-ons extension and the Gravity Forms Add-on exstension.
Notified if the item already exists in one of their Wishlists and will be told which one/s.
Customers are able to add a product to an existing list, or create a new list for the product.
The “Add to Wishlist” text is fully customizable and can be changed from a buttton, to link text with a star or present icon. For the designers out there, you could even create and add your own icon.
A custom WooCommerce settings tab to adjust many of the core functions.
A robust admin section to view and manage created wishlists.
Since WooCommerce Wishlists generates specific pages, there is extremely easy integration with WordPress Menus so you can add a link to any menu your theme supports!

Easily Customizable

Admin views for Shop Managers


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